Ahi Tuna (Yellowfin) Steaks Grilled with a Mediterranean Flair. Yellowfin Tuna or Ahi Tuna is usually served either Raw, as in sushi or Seared. or Grilled....
Easy, delicious and healthy Baked Scallops with Herbed Crumb Topping recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Baked Scallops with Herbed...
Easy, delicious and healthy Baked Flounder with Lemon Soy Vinaigrette recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Baked Flounder with Lemon...
Easy, delicious and healthy Seafood Mexican Stew (Molcajete de Mariscos) recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Seafood Mexican Stew (Molcajete...
I got this recipe while attending a spa cuisine class at Johnson and Wales. It is really great. This could also be done with haddock, halibut, or even...
This recipe is super easy, quick, delicious AND qualifies as a Clean Eating meal.I've made this recipe twice in the past week and my super picky husband...
Recipe from 'Clean Eating' magazine. A simple dish that looks and tastes extravagant. Slightly sweet, rich sauce, and the fish turns out perfectly cooked....
Extremely flavorful, quick, and low sodium way to prepare this (or any other) light fish. Lower sat. fat, calories, and eliminate sodium by replacing butter...
This is a simple version of a favorite in our house. I don't add too much salt while cooking. It's better to add salt after then have it too salty! And...
This is a delicious, hearty comfort food that doesn't fill you out while sating your hunger. It's good for low-carbers, since even though it LOOKS like...
Easy, delicious and healthy Smoked Salmon, Sugar Snap Peas & Pasta recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Smoked Salmon, Sugar Snap Peas...
In just 30 minutes, you can have a light dinner entree that's packed with protein and fresh produce. Serve this sweet and savory salmon with a green salad...